Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Describe something you have accomplished that makes you proud. what Essay

Describe something you have accomplished that makes you proud. what did you learn from this experience that might help you to ensure high academic achievement for all of your students - Essay Example When I was in college, I was married and I had two children at that time. Studying when one is married and has responsibility of children, cannot be considered an easy task. Studying requires enough time and at graduation level, it is also difficult. I learnt a lot when I studied at the college. I used to keep in mind that I would achieve my aim of obtainment of graduation degree because of my continuous struggle and hard work. I was to give time at my household and also to my studies. While studying for the bachelor’s degree, I learned to manage time and to work hard that plays a crucial role in everybody’s life. Management of time as well as hard work can be regarded as the most important aspects that we have to consider and exercise every time. My experience teaches me that time management and work should not be neglected in any case because if the aspects of time management and hard work are ignored, a person cannot succeed in his/her life. Success is directly attached to time management. In student life, a person learns to manage time. When one appears in the exam, it is only time management that helps him/her. As far as teachers are concerned, time management is also crucial. I was always attracted towards the profession of teaching. While being a student, I also learnt about being a teacher by means of my experiences in my college life with my teachers. As a teacher, my experience of being at a college will be very helpful for my students. I will facilitate with my experience of time management for their educational accomplishments and also, that a person can only succeed if he/she manages time and never loses courage towards the completion of his/her ambition. In my degree education, I never lost heart and struggled for the completion of my bachelors and also I managed time to succeed in my set aim. Pride can only come to a person when he/she

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